Make yourself ready for a beautiful future
SHANTI means peace and OMKARA stands for the syllable (Kara) OM, the primordial sound of creation.
SHANTI OMKARA are Kusum and Raghav.
Being a couple reunited approx. 28 years ago they play meditation music.
In this they fully trust in the great healing potential of harmonious sounds. To support this conscously, they use the natural pitch of A=432Hz (the so called Verdi´s 'A').
Love, Humility and Devotion are the main qualities for them to be expressed in their music.
Their repertoire is based on various spiritual traditions. Much of it are mantras, bhajans or prayers - often in Sanskrit or Hindi - but there are also english pieces. The melodies of their songs are mostly original compositions.
The certain energy during their concerts has the potential to gently guide the open listener into higher dimensions where relaxation,
meditation and the healing from within can find its space to get started. No matter if the audience is consciously aware of it or not the harmonious sounds and the power of the lyrics and mantras will find their way.
Gentle relaxation and tranquility, harmony and peace, desired distance from everyday life, arriving at oneself etc. are some of the frequently expressed experiences of their listeners.
Shanti Omkara, our dearest Raghav and Kusum,
Ultimate journey is spiritual journey. Anyone in that journey will agree to the fact that purpose of life is to find the purpose of life and fulfil the purpose. It's amazing to see people who have realised this and it's wonderful to know both of you in this journey.
Your music is divinely. We play Dadashreeji Mantra each evening at our house and you bring thus Dadashreeji to our house every day.
Raghav - you are so gifted that your chanting not only takes you up but also each and every seeker - Dada Baba Dadababaa Babaa -
who can forget that experience!!
Kusum, you are so loving, melting and your voice melts all of us.
Shanti Omkara - is amazing, don't want to limit yourself as performers
but you are connectors, you connect people with
divine with your divinely voice. Keep going.
Und immer wieder ein Labsal, eure Musik zu hören...
Ihr beiden seid Juwelen der Schöpfung,
jede Begegnung mit euch
ein Geschenk.
Danke danke danke !
In Liebe
Silvia A.
I heard you in Zurich.
It was a phenomenol time spent together
in divine music & divine energies of dadashreeji.
Pls. Accept my heartfelt gratitude
for creating an atmosphere for absolute surrender.
With love, Swasti
Herzlichen Dank an Shanti Omkara
Auf Alban Hevin durfte ich mehrere Auftritte des Duos Shanti Omkara Er-leben und bin noch heute tief Er-griffen und dankbar dafür.
Gleich mehrere Energiewellen erfassten mich als hörende Betrachterin: Jeder der beiden hat für sich die Ausstrahlung des Friedens und der inneren Harmonie, diese schwingen in konzentrischen Kreisen ins Publikum, gefolgt von einer Welle der Vereinigung in Liebe zueinander und als füllten die Töne die Zwischenräume dieser Ausstrahlung schwingt die Musik in den Raum.
Ich war zugleich tief ergriffen und berührt, von der Musik getragen und von der Ausstrahlung der beiden im Herzen ganz ruhig geworden.
Es ist so wahrhaftig Er-lebbar wenn sie sagen, dass sie ...“ in voller Demut und Hingabe zum Göttlichen Musik machen.“
Von Herzen Dank
für dieses Erleben auf vielen Ebenen meiner Wahrnehmung.
Bravo, Shanti Omkara!
<3 Impeccably conceived, performed, recorded & presented -
& supercharged with transcendental frequencies :)
Thank you for sharing.
Ihr lieben Wunder-vollen Wesen!
Ich bin voller Dankbarkeit, Euch und Eurer hochschwingenden,
Herz-öffnenden Musik begegnet sein zu dürfen
und immer wieder zu begegnen.
Es ist so schön, Menschen wie Euch zu erleben,
die ihre Botschaft nicht nur voller Liebe und Leidenschaft in die Welt schwingen lassen, sondern diese Botschaft auch leben.
Ihr seid eine Inspiration und Bereicherung in meinem Leben.
Ich freue mich schon sehr auf Eure CD und hoffe,
diese bald in Händen zu halten ;-)
Einen HERZENS-Gruß, Catharina
We all know and experience that the current time presents manyfold challenges - individually as well as collectively.
This makes it all the more important that we are aware of our own responsibility. Responsibility not only for our personal well-being, but also for the planet as such.
We may believe that the global impact of our actions is very limited because we only see ourselves as one individual – powerless against the masses in the world out there. But we are all connected, this is a fact. No matter if we like it or not. Each individual contributes energy to the whole system. That is why each individual makes a difference!
That is why YOU make a difference!
Therefore, let's be very mindful what we focus our attention on, because that is what we amplify.
Let us all focus on sharing and spreading
LOVE, PEACE and JOY as these are the qualities everyone needs.
...and the good thing about this challenging time is that it supports everyone who wants to change for betterment. Guaranteed!
We all share this beautiful planet. Let us become worthy of being her guests, finally.
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